Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Event Returns
Hundreds of individuals and families will hit the pavement on Saturday, May 14, 2022, when the Breast Cancer 5K CARE Walk returns for its 20th and final year. This annual event has raised nearly $300,000 since 2001, with 100 percent of the proceeds helping organizations that support underserved and uninsured Miami Valley residents who are inflicted with cancer. All proceeds will go towards the CARE Walk Fund, a component of The Dayton Foundation, with grants advised by a committee of longtime, dedicated community volunteers.
Annual breast cancer awareness event returns
Paint Port Pink begins Tuesday, October 1 with a Turn on Your Lights event for local community partners and residents, who turn on pink lights that were distributed by the hospital along with flags and information on breast health. Many community partners decorate their display windows with a pink theme and Mather recognizes the best efforts through their annual window decorating contest.
HCHN is proud to partner with three organizations to provide a panel of experts who will inform and educate attendees about the stages of breast cancer. University of Michigan Associate Professor and Chief of Surgical Oncology, Dr. Michael Scott Sabel returns this year with insight on current breast cancer research, prevention of the disease, diagnosis and treatment. Laura Sewell is an ABC Certified Post-Mastectomy Fitter at Wright & Filippis in Flint Township. She will speak to women about the services Wright & Filippis offers. Nekeyta Brunson will show women how to use scarves and choose the correct wig after losing hair through chemotherapy. Brunson owns UnCovered, LLC out of Lansing. She offers consultations for women with severe hair-loss.
Another two-time breast cancer survivor, Cynthia Jean, has been walking Making Strides walks for four years, and said she continues to do participate because she has personally benefitted from research advancements.
The Buffalo Bills, ECMC, KISS 98.5, the American Cancer Society, the Canadian Cancer Society, Hard Rock Cafe Niagara Falls, USA and Old Falls Street, USA have all come together to raise money and awareness for the fight against breast cancer.
As part of breast cancer awareness month, the Buffalo Bills "Billieve" Breast Cancer Awareness Event will take place Friday, October 19th at Hard Rock Cafe Niagara Falls, USA. To highlight the unforgettable evening, breast cancer survivors, their families and supporters will form Hard Rock's 3rd Annual International PINKTOBERTM living ribbon on the Rainbow Bridge. The Buffalo Bills will flip the switch and light the Falls pink to jump start the evening. Following the living ribbon ceremony, national recording artist Belinda Carlisle will headline a free outdoor concert at 8:30 PM.
Those interested in participating in the International PINKTOBERTM living ribbon can visit for more information. Registration is $30 and open to people on both sides of the U.S./ Canada border. Proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society and the Canadian Cancer Society respectively. PINKTOBERTM is Hard Rock's 13th annual breast cancer awareness campaign held at Hard Rock Cafe locations worldwide to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research through live music events, limited-edition merchandise and special menu offerings.
Join us on Monday to learn about the latest comprehensive services and meet the capable teams from the Betty Torricelli Institute for Breast Cancer and the John Theurer Cancer Center, as well as breast cancer survivors.
Education and awareness about breast cancer is also a major goal of the event. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide. Getting regular screening tests is the best way for women to lower their risk of dying from breast cancer. Screening tests can find breast cancer early, when it's most treatable. Women age 40 or older should speak to their doctor about having a yearly mammogram if they are not doing so already.
Breast cancer is not a transmissible or infectious disease. Unlike some cancers that have infection-related causes, such as human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cervical cancer, there are no known viral or bacterial infections linked to the\r\n development of breast cancer.
Approximately half of breast cancers develop in women who have no identifiable breast cancer risk factor other than gender (female) and age (over 40 years). Certain factors increase the risk of breast cancer including increasing age, obesity, harmful\r\n use of alcohol, family history of breast cancer, history of radiation exposure, reproductive history (such as age that menstrual periods began and age at first pregnancy), tobacco use and postmenopausal hormone therapy.
Female gender is the strongest breast cancer risk factor. Approximately 0.5-1% of breast cancers occur in men. The treatment of breast cancer in men follows the same principles of management as for women.
Family history of breast cancer increases the risk of breast cancer, but the majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer do not have a known family history of the disease. Lack of a known family history does not necessarily mean that a woman is at\r\n reduced risk.
Breast cancer most commonly presents as a painless lump or thickening in the breast. It is important that women finding an abnormal lump in the breast consult a health practitioner without a delay of more than 1-2 months even when there is no pain associated\r\n with it. Seeking medical attention at the first sign of a potential symptom allows for more successful treatment.
There are many reasons for lumps to develop in the breast, most of which are not cancer. As many as 90% of breast masses are not cancerous. Non-cancerous breast abnormalities include benign masses like fibroadenomas and cysts as well as infections.
Breast cancer can present in a wide variety of ways, which is why a complete medical examination is important. Women with persistent abnormalities (generally lasting more than one month) should undergo tests including imaging of the breast and in some\r\n cases tissue sampling (biopsy) to determine if a mass is malignant (cancerous) or benign.
Breast cancer treatment can be highly effective, achieving survival probabilities of 90% or higher, particularly when the disease is identified early. Treatment generally consists of surgery and radiation therapy for control of the disease\r\n in the breast, lymph nodes and surrounding areas (locoregional control) and systemic therapy (anti-cancer medicines given by mouth or intravenously) to treat and/or reduce the risk of the cancer spreading (metastasis). Anti-cancer medicines include\r\n endocrine (hormone) therapy, chemotherapy and in some cases targeted biologic therapy (antibodies).
Radiotherapy also plays a very important role in treating breast cancer. With early stage breast cancers, radiation can prevent a woman having to undergo a mastectomy. With later stage cancers, radiotherapy can reduce cancer recurrence risk even when\r\n a mastectomy has been performed. For advanced stage of breast cancer, in some circumstances, radiation therapy may reduce the likelihood of dying of the disease.
Survival of breast cancer for at least 5 years after diagnosis ranges from more than 90% in high-income countries, to 66% in India and 40% in South Africa. Early detection and treatment has proven successful in high-income countries and should be applied\r\n in countries with limited resources where some of the standard tools are available. The great majority of drugs used for breast cancer are already on the WHO Essential Medicines List (EML). Thus, major global improvements in breast cancer can\r\n result from implementing what we already know works.
Age-standardized breast cancer mortality in high-income countries dropped by 40% between the 1980s and 2020. Countries that have succeeded in reducing breast cancer mortality have been able to achieve an annual breast cancer mortality reduction\r\n of 2-4% per year. If an annual mortality reduction of 2.5% per year occurs worldwide, 2.5 million breast cancer deaths would be avoided between 2020 and 2040.
The strategies for improving breast cancer outcomes depend on fundamental health system strengthening to deliver the treatments that are already known to work. These are also important for the management of other cancers and other non-malignant noncommunicable\r\n diseases (NCDs). For example, having reliable referral pathways from primary care facilities to district hospitals to dedicated cancer centres.
The objective of the WHO Global Breast Cancer Initiative (GBCI) is to reduce global breast cancer mortality by 2.5% per year, thereby averting 2.5 million breast cancer deaths globally between 2020 and 2040. Reducing global breast cancer mortality by\r\n 2.5% per year would avert 25% of breast cancer deaths by 2030 and 40% by 2040 among women under 70 years of age. The three pillars toward achieving these objectives are: health promotion for early detection; timely diagnosis; and comprehensive breast\r\n cancer management.
By providing public health education to improve awareness among women of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and, together with their families, understand the importance of early detection and treatment, more women would consult medical practitioners\r\n when breast cancer is first suspected, and before any cancer present is advanced. This is possible even in the absence of mammographic screening that is impractical in many countries at the present time.Public education needs to be combined\r\n with health worker education about the signs and symptoms of early breast cancer so that women are referred to diagnostic services when appropriate.Rapid diagnosis needs to be linked to effective cancer treatment that in many settings\r\n requires some level of specialized cancer care. By establishing centralized services in a cancer facility or hospital, using breast cancer as a model, treatment for breast cancer may be optimized while improving management of other cancers.