A simple CR-specific chart derived using negroid populations from and in Africa, and which covers the most common examinations, is what this work was designed to address. This chart is specific to AGFA photostimulable phosphor plates and GE static X-ray machines manufactured not earlier than 2003. Centers with comparable machine age and ratings as well as similar photostimulable phosphor plates will find the results useful in dose optimization and quality control.
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Dose creep can be minimized by a computed radiography-specific exposure chart. Such a chart has been derived for a negroid population in Nigeria using AGFA photostimulable phosphor plates and a GE static X-ray machine manufactured not earlier than 2003. In addition, the upper threshold of adult exposure factors using comparable equipment and accessories is 94 kVp, 250 mA and 20.0 mAs respectively. The radiographer, rather than technology, is the major determinant of patient dose in view of their ability to manipulate exposure parameters.
The Semang, as they are most usually called by the Malays, are Negritos - a small, very dark people, with features of the negroid type, very prognathous, and with short, woolly hair clinging to the scalp in tiny crisp curls.
The great plain of Sennar is mainly occupied by Hassania Arabs in the north, by Abu-Rof (Rufaya) Hamites of Beja stock in the east as far as Fazogli, and elsewhere by the negroid Funj and the group of tribes collectively known as Shangalla (the Bertat, Legas, Sienetjo, Guinus, Kadalos, &c.; see Shangalla).
Clinical findings in 54 consecutive negroid children with atopic dermatitis (AD) are presented. The age range was 0.25 to 10.25 years. Male:Female ratio was 1.2:1. Time of onset range between 1 week and 8 years with onset before the age of 1 year in 81.1%. Facial and flexural involvement were observed in 81.5% and 70.4% of patients respectively. The latter was more common after the age of two years. Keratosis pilaris, repeated skin infections and ichthyosis were observed in 72, 45, and 40 per cent of the children. Allergic conjunctivitis was present in 11.8%. The findings suggest that the clinical presentation of AD in Negroid children is similar to that in white children.
IN a recent study of some eighteenth century naturalists' writings I was a good deal struck by the amount of attention devoted to the problem of whether the white man was a sport from negroid stock or the negro a sport from a white race. The matter was discussed from every standpoint, physiological, geographical, and theological, but the consensus of opinion, based chiefly on the existence of albinotic and pied negroes, and on the misunderstood effects of leucoderma, was that the white might be a negro sport, but that there was no evidence of a black sport in the case of the white races. If such an opinion were correct, and the white man only a negro sport, we should certainly expect to find the negroid cranial type common among the white races. Two distinguished Oxford men of science have just thrown remarkable light on this problem. They have given a very simple series of conditions by which crania can be classed into skulls of negroid, non-negroid, and intermediate types. These conditions depend entirely on a classification of nasal and facial indices, and by their processes our authors are able to distinguish between the negroid, non-negroid, and intermediate types among prehistoric Egyptian crania. Not being an anatomist, I am quite unable to judge of the processes by which they have reached their criteria, and the photographs which accompany their volume are of so obscure a character-indeed, in the present state of cranial photography somewhat unworthy of a university press-that they hardly allow the uninitiated even with a lens to appreciate the justification which the authors find for their classification in the outward appearances of their cranial groups. I think, however, we may safely give the greatest weight possible to a judgment formed by the Oxford professor of human anatomy and the Oxford reader in Egyptology in a folio volume just issued by the syndics of the University Press. 041b061a72