Robokill 2 Full Version 'LINK' Free
However RoboKiller doesnt work in many countries. Most international users were banned from calling. If you want to find out if your country is whitelisted, you can use the online form here: If you want to use RoboKiller, consider some of the advanced account features. You can also tell RoboKiller to block a message or even a whole company, in addition to having options for receiving a recording of a call, blocking them, or not.
robokill 2 full version free
Pros RoboKiller works on numerous devices, so its easy to access. You can view your activities like the number of calls you blocked and missed. The app is easy to use and a bit customizable. The app has lots of themes you can apply to the screen. They do a good job with webpages.
Thanks to its many options, RoboKiller is very secure and uses encryption, so users do not have to worry about their data being sold or stolen. In-game messages and notifications are a great feature for players of Team Slayer and can actually keep players aware of enemy positions. Additionally, the in-game mini-map is a nice feature.
The number of settings is quite large and some of them can be overwhelming to new users. You can set RoboKiller to block all calls and texts, or you can target specific countries. You can also choose to have RoboKiller record or not record the phone calls and include their call log.
The apps takes a little time to install, so if youre having problems getting it to work, go to the Play store and get it. RoboKiller has a one-time charge of 10 dollars. If you dont want to use RoboKiller, you can also manually block calls and texts.