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Fixes an issue that live migration from earlier Oracle VM Server versions to 3.3.2 leaves Linux PVHVM guest in a hung state. The fix is delivered with newer Xen package (xen-4.3.0-55.el6.22.18 or later). (19517860)

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1 H Berlin Orfjnn OrfjnnHe OrgnuJl OrguiilieHe Jl Was Va as Finally Put to Death DeathS DeathOet0 06tr6t S > lpefatntoHr 04rtb1fg Oct m A revolutionar revolutionarilemphstratlon vIut1ontr vIut1ontrIemThtratIon WtIonarS WtIonarSemP11l1tratton >ilemphstratlon IemThtratIon was 1flDd made Monday night wptoo nightl 1 t t1y1y l > y oo 4 00 untn university r8Uy students th the oojaaten OMUIofthln oaaSonhiIk oojaateninhln hiIk in the anniversary of o the Czar Czars preci1n1aUon procamatlon prec preclumationlumation establishing the De DeFiery Dui DuiFkry Douma DoumaFieryFiery ape speeches heti were nia made in 1 which whichhe whichlehe le e speak speakers rs declared war to the knife J biKeiJnt knifeigulnst lltCe lltCegtJnigulnst gtJn iJnt t Czarism The gaOnrins dlpezsdiiIng dispersed dispersediTiglng ed ediTlglngiTiglng the HMa Marseillaise lIlise In anticipation anticipationof anticIpRtIOt of t trouble in various parts of the empire empireaa 1 lelebraUon le ratJGn of the da day troops troopsZCEfltrated were1jJctntrated were werevaLceutratedvaLceutrated ZCEfltrated ut l all danger points to be Deto ber berto r pared to put down own disturbances There Theredd been n threats that revolutionfstt revolullonIsUIId revoIuLkniIsd revolutionfsttrrrr Id > Jd d att attempt mlt demonstrations ainotgovernment against againstfcfc government on the occasion of thJnNvorsar thlatvrsary this thisjiiuversaryjiiuversary and the authorities did net nett nittend netendt end to take an any chance cba cbaT1e chancesT1e chanceTiieT1e garrisons at all the larger cities clUese cltlecre citiesrcrercre cre e Telnfor reinforced and the orders to therops theTJops the therjcpsrjcps instructed them to fire nre in case ef att of4Ub1 efroublerouble t 0il II For fortyeight hours hftwe hftweXocuted elte h s sxcuted TWS TWSxooutedxoouted Duda it Is claIm cJaJmc4 daJmeSk was 1rUtflld waseted wasSVfc wasSVfcitneditned tflld to horrible tortures Bjr T1M the po poIe gotrip ao aoStripsIe kin were torn f from rpm kin ai1 eI arad arms armspdI pd d 1 legs 8 and redhot trans werej were aypKad aypKadinin j n a L spirit of 0 f wanton tl11ton cruelty Wadafttg Wadafttgvasva vas 1 Inserted in his wound and tllesaOu then thentt ot ou tire to add to his I4 tortu tortur torture 1ons 1onsttrk ARg ARgtrksr ttrk trks uks WCT were c also driven underbIII underbIIIils under his fle1 fle11ib ftjsjef ftjsjefiilsiils ils and then hot sealing waxor wax wan wanptud trait traitiHuoUiHuoU IntJ ml b o these c holes and IUJdLndfl ud i iArt left tSJ tSJijidfnor Lndfltl ijidfn + f 1 1AftAft tl r tbe police oflce had exhausted everTja every everyaja > a i of at torture t their 11 Ingenuity could de dei doI de devisvis i I uJit lud > was u A8 executedDEFENDS eXecutedDEPENDS executed executedDEFENDSDEFENDS CANNED MEAT MEATIhklsh IdEAThhl MEATUlitiMilIhklsh hhl b Scientist Waras urls the Public Publict luhHcainst Pulilietgainsttgainst ainst t Greater Danger In Koort Koortijinun Pool1Ljl PooilOCtLjl ijinun lh Oct 2DT Dr Sir Frederick FrederickTiv erIdtT Frederickddr055iflgTiv T s Addressing addret the lb National Health HealthSo HeakhttjSo ttj t i ty I y today ridiculed t 1ed the recent out omr outugaint> irtuay everybody is indifferent to the theii r greater gT er dang danger r in food and milk laden ladentu 1Meuti1 ladeniti1iti1 tu deathdealing germs germsThe germsTh germsThThe Th nublte said be > does not seem to toTT r Iind swallowing naU Vtinc anything it can not see seeilik eeell1k see111kilik an nd l meat m t as now tnsanitartty sup suprlkd RIPT1kd supriledriled swarm with bacilli of typhoid and andthcr aa4thr andthrthr diseases u but as they tl1e are invisible invisibleTnf S invisibleI 186bIe 186bIetTnf t 1f kf public ublic dees dc s not care Canned Cannedvrhieh meats meatshih mestshhvrhieh hih contain floor sweepings 8Wee end ether etherDlth otbernltl otherilthDlth are hnnles ht > nnIesI he declared because becausehey becau8eTT hey hc are cooked u t ked and probably 1 were werealthy werealLt werea1thralthy alLt before cooked cookedPeople cookedPeopJ cookedPeoplePeople he added are straining straIn1n at a asuat auat auatsuat uat and nd swallowing a cameL The naent pres presnt prenntnt treatment of meat before it is eaten eatenis eatelfisis i not in the least more sanitary than It ttas Itas Itsas s in the days of the neolithic UlJ c cave cavevoiiers caelJer caveVONvoiiers voiiersVON lJer lJerVONVON BUELOW DUELOWUNFIT UNFIT FOR DUTY DUTYJerniauys DUTYfcrlWU1n DUTYfermnuyaJerniauys Imperial Chancellor Con ContinBos Contbuos ContinaoatinBos In Poor Health HealthH HealthrrIt HealthHrllnH rrIt Hrlln rlln 1 Oct 21 2ILittle Uttle reliance hi placed placedTon placedpcn placedpcnpcn tht th > > optimistic reports as to the piTy phykal piTycalcal 11 condition of the imperial chancellor chancellorIvti cban cbanII Ivti u since S i his breakdown Jo n the Relchs RelchsJ Reichi1lrJ ijf g nearly n rly six ix months ago Prince Prlqee von vonJuljv wnJ vontuiJuljv J tui udJT ha been b residing at Nordeney Nordeneyiia >1J his hi friends and medical advisers advisersjiikft ah ahlik advisersIikejiikft lik Iike adwii duh that be Is not in ma a fit state stateio tatio 1 cone pc with the dotes dtIof of his o oftIee nce as asi a1 yr yrThc yrtihere > riThc ihcre is u great Hat arrear of work in all sitS a1 a1II 4II S i partnjents L rtmenl S as lS a 1 consequence of the set setiutiit setof1 iutiit ot many man qu qUtStJona 1UMfl5 iMnxd i fnJ mull unt the th chancellor s probable probableturn probablet probabletuinturn t rn HIlt it I II now no seen tftl that tba this will willlux will1tlux 1t V to I IK t t dealt with by tbe secretary secretarylotlot I 01 r foreign f roh1t affairs i and other ministers ministersAlthough mu1ersthugh i i1thughAlthough thugh the prince pri will be in his place placerix Irix I uKuil in tl tl1ot Reichstag during the com comi COIDI COIDIlig cornHgi lig Hg is session 1 sluu be is tOt expected e ted to tajteIimh taM taMmuIimh 11 mu Udl h i part > art in debate fba te his physicians having havingM havingfld II M > nvd fld him against doing so soHUNGARIANS soiUTNGALIANSIHUNGARIANS REJOICE SEJOIOEThe REJOICETheThe Return of ItalcocxyM Remain RemainCreates lteinn1nCrenteCreates Patriotic BfTerveaeenee BfTerveaeeneeUudaPesth BtrercceneeUudnPesth lSffervc3cenecUudaPesthUudaPesth Oct O t 2 9TOO > Tho highwater highwaterMark ht highwateruik water I IjrkMark jrk jf f Hungarian patriotism in recent recentcars recentar I Ilan> cars ar was reached today t da when the bones bonesi iI i 1 th Prince l e Bakocsy were wereI wereroughtI rough t horn Th passage of the th funeral funeraltraiii funer funeraltraIi d dtraiiltraiii wus jiiarkcd by b ovation after afterI ova ovatic1 tic it Tbe urotession pn IOI tUI On in the tb street of ofiuOaPeatl ofIudaPesth I IJiuOaPeatl J took ptecv pIa plac in brilliant brilliantweather brlltlaDtfather brilliantvejtherweather and nd was nUi wita witnessed ssed by byPe iOMOC iOMOCjvople OOIIIOlpejvople Pe Pk many of whom bona were gorgeous o nostunK nos aMt costtnwstunK tunKTh t ttnws ttnwsTl ln1t ln1tThTh Tl cntir Hungarian Huna 1an nobility nobUlt wore worePrtfont Wtren weteptsntPrtfont n nt anti ani i t6 i lnt > nt mart hni h in the procession pr Thin Thintrd I1a111tnd Thisttrd t the ma 1IJagnltkent niticent Illumination at night nightvt 1 nightvtrvw > vt vtrv > rc view VkWd d by b Emperei Jo mPErot Fnind Iran Jo JOfIpeJs JOfIpeJsfmi Jospeafltlt peja pejairimifyirimify irimifyThe fmi fltlt fltltTteThe he omplt t u uecei c s of tin tb day tJa in inKuduPest ini in1udPesiliKuduPest i t1t Pe8th h was as marred by 1J the strttcirg strttcirgtrain 1It11kJr 1It11kJrfan atrtkIrgalntrain aln and underground road rmploy f111 f1111olicern ernpIoyolkernei s s1ollcemc1ollcemc 1 lirtm 1 Irtrntu Tt T > u and In some In Initaiicw Int1I inpscntritaiicw t1I ptcscnsrrs Pt snlft wr w r ri rtwd tmo and andnurn cars carsfrturneti esrorturneclfrturneti frturnetiKaiser nurn rturneclha d dlialterKaiser ha Ier Honor King Brother UrothcrHrln BrotherHrIla BrotherIrtiHrln Oct aEmpror Empror William 1 ilia has hasiaiod hastt iaiod 2 llK l Duke of t tI1 > nraught j ught a AcM neidmarshal fteldnUIiob1 AcMniuba1marshal ol the Prussian irmy Jrm an a honor honoritiat Onorl honorrititiat rit l is i rarely ntrcl ccnftrr cCinft nd d on foreigners forebjnersi fo foLmpeOt foreignersLmpcroi LmpeOt mperor Francis Frl is Joseph being ng the th only onlyhr onlyher nly nlyhthr cue ue holding similar Mmflarrank Mmflarrankherald rank rankHerald rankUcrahtHerald Want Ads AUsiii Adsii ds dsilliii ii bE r reel Cv wd Vt d 1 V t and P tU t jw w iUiU aa prcawtly prcawtlyaed pnm tl f fI IiedI aed oj to the mam main office ftk quan quantify qiallI quantIty tify tI at the best best and their chief chiofln interest interestie r rIiie 1 the fact that her proeaneo pro enco In tho tht city citybrings cltybrings 1brings a flood of curious sightseers who whoare whoare j jreare re good spenders and who leave large largesums llU llUstim6 larssumssums of money mon behind them which whichbelpod cvh1clthelpedhelped Ipod to keep up the town Therefore Thoroforetlkey Thereforethey rhOf toro torotJIe Ithey tJIe all declare the stories gtori s that the die distinguished me met dietinguished t tinguished guiabed priestess of the t1 Christian set Science cl clice I Ieneeence ice cult is at the brink of death and andhas ihas 113 not appeared personally in public far faryears ferYenl farlentsyears Is a bare R e fabrication And it may maybe mayb ma3bebe b but it lia lNl8 not yet b betn allin alvin A Frye Mrs Irs Eddys ddrs footmen fftotManaeeretary fGUMneratary footmensecretarysecretary and the man saW Id to be the tlrtr therisIr rtI l power behind the throno of the em empire empire empire I pire of Christian Science seen today but gave out a statement in inwhich I lusiiIck i iwhichwhich which he repudiated the charge that he heis 1 1Ifis using ualD Mrs Eddy ddY as a toot denied that thatshe thatshe I Isfeshe is not in tho best of health and andmind andJltlud andmindmind branded as a lie the statements statementsthat st SahM 5t 5tthat Ui i ithatthat Mr Mrs Parmeifa J Leonard has been beenimpersonating beenImpersonating 1 1imperaouUncimpersonating Mrs Eddy EM in the dally car carriage carrIaSe siri riage i rides rlc1 and that a a Boston cancer cancerdoctor cancerd cancerdoctordoctor d etM has been paying weekly week visits to totl tothe tothetl the e Eddy home to attend the aged lady ladyScientist ladyScIentIst I ISclentlstKScientist Not ot Greatly Disturbed DisturbedNew DbtnrbedNow DleturbedNowNow York Oct 29 39CJarlatlan Cbrhulan Scientist Scientistin SchnuaInin this city today declared they tbe did not notexpect notexltOCt notexpectexpect Mrs re Mary Baker G Bddy Kdd to live liveforever Ueforever liveforeverforever that they were not disturbed disturbedby d ditUrbedby turbed turbedDrby Ole report that she was all but deid deidf dedfmm deidfromf from om cancer acer and that she was wa being Im Impersonated 152personated personated sonatecl by b i rs Parmotlit J Leonard Leonardaa Brooklyn Scientist ScientistTbe ScientiatThe I ITheThe Interest IN I whether Mrs Eddy ddY y the thefounder thefounder I Ifeullderfounder of Christian Science lives or ordies orm ordliidies m originated they explained In the thspopular U UMpU1ar thepopularpopular conception tbat she must show showactual showaetniI howactualactual physical immortality to justify ju y rer t tertheories rertheories r Itheories as to the superiority 8 perlorlt7 of the spirit spiritover apIrtover I Ioverover matter and the possibility Ifbftl of the themmd themind themindmind triumphing over over W disease and Del death deathChristian d deathChristian ath athCbntlanChristian Scientists Sde tJ stated today tCHI that thatMrs t thatMrs bat batInMrs EddY did not claim immortality immortalityShe ImortallShe hmortal1tySheShe has written that in her Judgment Judgmentthe jud Judgmentthe t ttbftthe faithful and entire fulnllment oC oCher o oher ofherher teachings will extinguish h death but buthas buthas buthashas added that for herself btr lt tbt ah h cannot cannotsay cannotsa cannotsaysay sa Semi S me of o the Scientists Sclen when wheaque wheaquettoned ques questioned quo quotloued tioned as to their belief b Ud in Mrs Irs Eddys Eddyspower EddY EddYOwer I Ipowerpower to defeat death explained their theirunderstanding theirunderstancllng theirunderstandingunderstanding of the matter thus thusWe tbU6We thusWeWe can only wait and see We do donot donot donotnot sute su te our eui belief one way or the other otherEverything ethEftlYthlQ MhmEverythIngEverything is not clear to us CnrlsUan CnrlsUanScience t UirisUanScience J1sllaa J1sllaaekee IScience ekee is a growing grOhg belief and as we wegrew weW wOrewgrew rew W we shall 11 comprehend comprehendR CDmp end endRR R P Verrill V rIJI of the First ChristianScience C CititIsuScleflee Christian rMttaaScienceScience Church at Ninetysixth Iftel txlh street streetand streetand streetandand Central Park k said todiy that New NewYork NewV NewYorkYork V ork Scientist were satisfied tint Un t the thenewspaper thonewspa thenewspapernewspaper newspa story to7 of Mrs Eddys Eddy physical physicalstate pyslcaIstate yIJkal yIJkal5tatestate 5tate the impersonation of Mrs Leaoard Leaoardand ienfaad LeO Td Tdandand that Calvin Fry Fryt formerly Mrs MrsEddys MfliEdds MrslddysEddys footman and later secretary IeCf and andspokesman andspoke andapekeemnspokesman spoke man was the real head of Chris Christian Cbrttlan chrisflea flea Science and the recipient of Mrs MrsEddys inEddys MrsddyEddys ddy s income of l I000I LMMtt a year ear Were Weredisproved Werelisproved werellsproveddisproved disprovedCRISIS lisprovedCRISIS llsprovedCRISISCRISIS NEAR BAR IN VENEZUELA VENEZUELAGenGen Alcantara Alcantara Is Beady to Succeed SucceedCastro SuooeedOastro SuoceedCastroCastro by Force ForceCamping ForceOaHIIIlug ForoeCztinplngCamping Just Ontsidc Outsld Caracas with withSeveral wltbSecrnl withSescralSeveral Hundred Trooi FroomWgir rOOIJar War Is IsProlmblc JIIrrohnlle IiProlnlIcProlmblc When heft President freitlent Dies DlcwNew DlcHN DiesNewNew N W York Y rk ork Oct tcabIed CaWed advice from frombaraeas fromauac fromzombaraeas zom report a sittwtion Miqation tqatle amo aMOUIIt amounting ntnig to tograwe a agrave a acrIIIagrave crteta stftectrng ct MetIh vast Amerieaa 4tm de fi fiteresU lit litteftt Ih IhtereteresU tere m Is Vs V Vpre8JdelAt mi bi v vPresident r rPresidentPresident Ca Ca8fti caMi tra to spite of recent de denials de deJliaLJ donIaIm nials te said lei to be paralysed and anabte anabteeither UMbieeither nshIeetihereither la waUc sr to spealc esk lie Heeeaa HeeeaaIltUnicats com communicates coinmizaicate municates his desires by feeble writings writingsand w wnd writingstindand his true condition te I held a State Statesecret Stateecm Statesecretsecret secretSr ecmSp1e secretSpiesSpies Sr i ag n agents nts l representing ntJDS other othercountries otJaercountriN othercouutrieecountries and foreign corporate interests interestshaunt latereet8haunt Interestshaunthaunt the thet palace palaceAt palaceAtAt t the suggestion of Castro himself himselfGen lalelfGen himselfGenGen Alcantara is camping campht just outsidethe outside oatlWethe oitsldethethe city eft of Caracas with several eral buadred buadredUoope btllllfnodboo bundrediiooiboo iiooi and his present acttviUee UvltJes premise premiseaa coup detat similar r to that which made madeCastro 1qdcCutN nadcCastreCastro l President PresidentAlcantara President4tlcantarais t tAkaataralsAlcantara Akaatarals is Castros Castro s choice for dictator dictatorand dictatorand dictatorndand nd the troops tr controlled COA by him will de decide de dedde dodde dde the issue unless Gen Joan Vicente VkenteGomez VlcetaleGo VicenteGamesGomez Go consents c to enlist tile people to a acivil advU acivilcivil war warGen warGen warGitflGen Gomez is the constitutional eo Vies ViesPresident VicePresident TJce TJcePresidentPresident of Verunnela and tbe great greatmass peatmua greatmassmass of the people favor fa him hh as chief elatdmbslstrator ad administrator adminlotrator ministrator but present indications are arethat arethat arethatthat he will have to flsht ght bt the forces under underAlcantara mtdeorA1cantarL underAIcantXraAlcantara AlcantaraGOVERNMENT A1cantarLGOVERlmENT AIcantXraGOVERNNE1TGOVERNMENT IS DEFEATED DEFEATEDIloqsc DEFEATEDIIOQSC DEPELTEDHouseHouse of Lords Divides on Religions ReligionsFeature ReUgionsFeature ReligionsFeatureFeature of Education EI1tlcntlon Bill BUILondon BiULoudon BillLondonLondon Oct 3 The government was wasdefeated wasdefeated wasdefeateddefeated tonight in a division in IIIHo th thHouse th4 th4HouseHouse Ho of Lords on the education bin Ute tbecrux Utecru thecruxcrux whereof was the gitostion of com compulsory compeleory cornpulsory pulsory religious reIt us teaching m in the public publicelementary pabltce1ementa17 publicelementaryelementary e1ementa17tJMIer schools schoolsUnder schoolstJnderUnder the bill as it left the Home of ofCommons ofCO otCommonsCommons CO llDOU children were not compelled to toattend to toattend toattendattend school during dUl the time devoted to toreligious toreJlsIoue toreligiousreligious instruction An amendment sub submitted submitled b bmitted mitted to Ole House of Lords reversed rcvsvsedthis rever8etIthte reversedthisthis and it was carried by a vote of c cto 2K 2Kto 2i 2itoto St The majority included the arch archbishops ardtbhtbopl archbishops bishops a a score of bishops bI and almost almostthe aImcMtthe almostthethe whole organization organisationThe of ftiationTheThe incident inaugurates the long fore foreseen foreseen loisseen seen tussle between the respective ma majorities DIIljorltleos majoritles jorities in the two houses on the educa educaUon


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